Time to Shine With ShoWcAse Esperance

Published on Thursday, 22 June 2023 at 9:14:00 AM

The ShoWcAse Esperance design competition is back again for 2023, giving artists in our region a chance to shine on the state stage.

The ShoWcAse Esperance design competition calls for poster or film designs, showcasing what is quintessentially Esperance – to you! We are looking for entries from individuals, schools, community groups and amateur & professional artists within the Esperance region.

The designs can be digitally or physically created in any medium then digitized (photographed), and this year you can also submit film/video.

Judges will consider

  • if it’s easy to identify where the artwork comes from
  • if the Council’s name is easy to read
  • the composition of the piece
  • how clearly they can identify information about the place (wildflowers, farming, coffee strip, etc)
  • use of colour and creativity, artistic merit, individuality, boldness and humour.

Extra points will be given for relating the artwork to the competition theme, which this year is ‘Local Futures’. 

The Shire supports local businesses with a prize pool of gift vouchers from our local traders - $500 worth for the winner, and $50 gift vouchers for the four other category winners.

Entries are due Wednesday 12 July 2023 – for all details to enter and more design requirements, please see our 2023 Guidelines here.

This annual event is part of the WA Local Government Association’s (WALGA) long-running, state-wide Showcase in Pixels competition, with winners from participating local governments going on to the state level. Artworks to make it to this stage will be displayed on the huge billboard in Yagan Square between September 4 and 24, so make sure you have a look if you’re close by during that time.

So get out your texters, sharpies and paint-boxes, fire up the computer or clean the lens of your camera and get creative!

Media Enquiries:

Mary Bidstrup, Media & Communications Officer


2022 Winner - Dot Labuscagne

Dot Labuscagne

2021 Winner - Paige Fillmore

Paige Fillmore

Image Credits: Shire of Esperance

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