Local Planning Scheme No. 24
Local Planning Scheme No. 24 (LPS 24) applies to the entire Shire and is the primary statutory planning instrument against which development is guided and controlled. LPS 24 was gazetted on August 2, 2017.
Local Planning Scheme No. 24 (text and maps) can be downloaded from the links following, and copies may also be viewed on request through Planning Services at the Shire of Esperance Administration Centre
Local Planning Scheme No. 24
Scheme Maps
LPS 24 provides clear, concise and current planning controls to guide future development and to best serve the needs of the community. The aims of LPS 24 are to:
- ensure there is a sufficient and sustainable supply of serviced and suitable land for housing, commercial activities, community facilities, recreation, and open space;
- support such expansion as is consistent with the provision and improvement of infrastructure, services and facilities;
- provide for a range of accommodation choices that meets the needs and aspirations of the community;
- provide for convenient, attractive and viable commercial areas and tourist facilities to serve the needs of the residents and visitors;
- encourage the development of businesses that will strengthen the economic base of the central business district;
- ensure the use and development of land does not result in significant adverse impacts on the physical and social environment;
- promote the sustainable use of land for agriculture, forestry and aquaculture whilst accommodating other compatible rural activities;
- protect the agricultural areas from inappropriate development and intrusion by urban and semi-rural uses;
- protect the amenity and enhance the quality of urban, rural and coastal environments;
- protect and enhance the environment and natural resources, including waterways and wetlands, of the local government district;
- protect remnant vegetation;
- protect local public drinking water supply areas from inappropriate development;
- enhance the public health of the community; and
- protect objects and places of outstanding natural, historic, architectural, scientific and cultural significance.
LPS 24 is complemented by a suite of Local Planning Policies (LPPs) that seek to provide the Council, Planning Services staff and the community with direction on those matters where the local government may exercise discretion.
Local Planning Scheme No. 24 - List of Scheme Amendments
Amendment Number |
Details of Amendment |
Date Initiated by Council |
Current Status |
Relevant Document |
1. |
Omnibus |
22 August 2017 |
Gazetted 13 April 2018. |
Amendment No. 1 |
2. |
Omnibus |
27 February 2018 |
Gazetted 18 January 2019. |
Amendment No. 2 |
3. |
Basic |
22 May 2018 |
Gazetted 12 October 2018. |
Amendment No. 3 |
4. |
Omnibus |
23 October 2018 |
Gazetted 9 July 2019. |
Amendment No. 4 |
7. |
Omnibus |
23 March 2021 |
Gazetted 18 January 2022. |
Amendment No. 7 |
8. |
Omnibus |
26 April 2022 |
Final approval by Council |
Amendment No. 8 |
Local Planning Strategy
The Shire of Esperance Local Planning Strategy (Strategy) guides the management of population growth, land use planning and development over a 10 to 15 year period, to balance the needs and expectations for varying lifestyles, economic and community development of the Shire and to ensure appropriate management of the built and natural environment that makes the Shire of Esperance a unique place to live.
The Strategy consists of both written text and maps, illustrating the future direction for growth and land use within the Local Government area. The Strategy provides the basis for the zoning and provisions of the Shire of Esperance Local Planning Scheme No. 24 (LPS 24). LPS 24 provides the statutory framework to achieve the vision and strategies of the Strategy. The Strategy, however, does not form part of the LPS 24. Although the Strategy does not form part of the LPS 24, the Council and the State Government (e.g. Department of Planning, Western Australian Planning Commission, the Minister for Planning and the State Administrative Tribunal in particular) are required to have due regard to the direction set by the Strategy when considering applications for development, subdivision or amendment to the Scheme, as the Strategy is the basis upon which the local content associated with the statutory provisions of the LPS 24 has been developed.
The Strategy was endorsed and took effect on 9 August 2017.
For additional information or assistance, contact Planning Services on (08) 9071 0676 or call in to the Shire Administration Building on Windich Street.