A Shire of Esperance Working Group, Esperance RoadWise aims to bring a local perspective to safer road use. Roads are an amenity that every person uses: drivers, passengers, children in prams, seniors in mobility vehicles, cyclists, truck drivers, novice drivers, motor cyclists, holiday makers towing caravans.
Western Australia’s Road Safety Strategy 2021-2028, Imagine Zero, is a bold plan to significantly reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on Western Australian roads.
Imagine Zero recognises that people will always make mistakes and may have road crashes – but the system should be forgiving, and those crashes should not result in death or serious injury.
The Safe System approach to road safety aims to prevent crashes; but when a crash occurs, it lessens the severity of personal injury.
The Esperance RoadWise Committee aims to deliver effective road safety initiatives aligned to Imagine Zero in our local community.
Enjoy the Ride 2016
Slow Down and Enjoy the Ride is a local speed reduction road safety campaign brought to you by the Shire of Esperance RoadWise Committee. Enjoy the Ride aims to remind the community to avoid feeling the need to rush while driving and to leave speed behind when you get into your vehicle.
The campaign runs from October to January in a bid to address the issue of speed on our roads during the harvest and tourist season, a busy time of the year on our roads. Whether it is making sure you stick to 40km/hr through schools zones or slowing down behind a road train, reducing your speed is one of the simplest ways to reduce the risk of a being involved in a car crash.
This year the Roadwise Committee are very excited to bring you the Slow Down and Enjoy the Ride harvest video! This has been a great community project and we would like to thank everyone involved in making this happen. You can check the video out on Youtube or share it on Facebook!
So please join us in slowing down this harvest season and help us reduce to impact of road trauma in our local community.

Belt Up 2016
We kicked off this years Belt Up campaign with members of the Esperance Hockey Association. Seat belt related crashes remain to be a leading cause of road trauma in our region. We'd like the thank the hockey boys for getting involved and please get in touch with us via Facebook if you would be happy for us to get some photos of your sporting club or group wearing the sashes!

We often get asked why we only haves sashes for blokes and not girls. Well statistics indicate men are the ones at risk, 77% of seat belt related fatal and serious crashes from 2004-2013 in WA involved males. So please remind your brothers, sons, dads, uncles and mates to belt up, because they are worth holding onto.

The belt up message is as just as important now as it ever has been. Goldfields-Esperance Police District have reported 488 seat belt related offences, 2015/2016 year to date. That is an 8.2% increase on the previous year. Please share to help us get this simple message out in the community.

Emergency Services Day - September 2018
The Esperance RoadWise Committee joined with the Emergency Services of the Esperance Shire to inform the Community of the Services available to them to keep us all safe. Our display included information on Child Car Restraints and Road Safety issues. We were also supported by Road Trauma Support WA who provide a service to all communities. It was a great opportunity to chat with the local community and answer their questions.

Ride to School Day - March 2019
The Esperance RoadWise Committee in conjunction with the Education Department Regional Consultant from the School Drug Education and Road Safety Branch, held a Ride to school Day with free bicycle checks. We also encouraged parents to ride with their children to reinforce safe riding procedures, as well as to enjoy the health benefits of riding on the Shire’s bicycle paths.

photo: Esp PS student with Jill Fitzpatrick (Regional Consultant, Road Safety Drug Education Branch), Christine Blair (EPS Chaplain), Meg Simms (parent) and Rob Dummermuth (Esperance RoadWise)
Annual Blessing of the Roads Event - Easter 2019
The Blessing of the Roads ceremony aims to raise community awareness about the importance of driving safely over the Easter long weekend - a notoriously high risk time on our roads.
This is a time to recognise our emergency services personnel who work to provide service intended to save lives and help make our roads safer.
Esperance Primary School Early Childhood students contributed their road safety messages in the form of a mural that was displayed at the ceremony.