New Banners!

Published on Wednesday, 14 June 2023 at 12:10:00 AM

The Shire worked with the Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (ETNTAC) recently on new banners for the main streets of Esperance. The aim was to have them ready for NAIDOC week, but luckily they were delivered in time to go up for National Reconciliation Week, and will now be on display until NAIDOC week. 

ETNTAC provided the images and names of flora, fauna and important locations in our region, celebrating the beauty of Kepa Kurl Wudjari Boodja, the country on which we live. 

Where is Taananeditj? Hint - it's a lot closer than you might think! Can you eat Bain, and when will Ngaamaroor flower? We haven't seen Mamang for awhile, but they'll be here soon - take a walk down Dempster and Andrew Streets to get familiar the names of 24 animals, plants and places. 

Pictured is an entrance banner, showing the flowers and leaves of the Tjaltjraak Tree with the friendly greeting ‘Wanju Kepa Kurl Wudjari Boodja’, or ‘Welcome to Esperance Wudjari Country’. Tjaltjraak, pronounced ‘Dul-u-rak’ is the Wudjari name for the local blue gum tree, and means ‘glow in the dark’. Tjaltjraak is a culturally significant species of eucalypt, the geographic distribution of which roughly aligns with the boundaries of Kepa Kurl Wudjari Nyungar Country.



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