Bushfire Information

Firebreak Information

What is a firebreak? A firebreak is a strip of land that has been cleared of trees, shrubs, grass, and other combustible material, providing low-fuel conditions. Firebreaks must be trafficable to allow access for firefighting vehicles and are a proactive way to slow bushfires.

Owners and occupiers are required to clear and maintain their property from 9 October to 31 March, the specified fire danger period.

Rangers pay particular attention to firebreak maintenance and inspect properties throughout the Shire district. Where landowners do not comply with regulations, they will issue infringement notices.

Fire Hazard Reduction Notice

Please read the Fire Hazard Reduction Notice below. This is the First & Final Notice. It is your responsibility to read and comply with the information provided.

Shire Rangers and Authorised Officers are appointed Bush Fire Control Officers and are authorised to enter any property to inspect and enforce compliance with the Fire Hazard Reduction Notice.  

If a property is found non-compliant with the Notice's requirements after 9 October, and fails to follow a Notice to Comply, an infringement can be issued. If the property continues to be non-compliant, the Shire or its contractor can enter the property to perform the required works at the landowner's cost. 

The Definitions and Guidance Notice outlines practical, detailed firebreak requirements. 

Hard copies of these Notices are available from the Shire of Esperance Administration Building, Windich Street Esperance.

Variations to Firebreaks

If you believe it is impractical or impossible to comply with the requirements of the Fire Hazard Reduction Notice you can apply for a Variation before 24th September.

Protecting your Home

You SHOULD NOT rely on scheme water during a bushfire

Residents living in or near bushland are reminded not to rely on public water supplies if they plan to stay and defend their homes during a bushfire.


If you plan to stay and defend your home, you must have an independent water supply and pumping capability. Scheme water may not be available due to damaged infrastructure, extreme demand depleting supply and pressure, or a cut to power, which is used to pump water.

We have prepared ourselves for the 2020/2021 bushfire season by readying equipment and systems to cope with extreme conditions. Despite these efforts, it is likely that water pressure will reduce, and scheme water supply tanks may run empty in the event of fire.

For more information about preparing a bushfire survival plan and what you will need to actively defend your home, visit the Department of Fire and Emergency Services website.

A message from the Department of Water: The Department of Water has advised people in bushfire prone areas with bores and access to surface water that they can take and store water to support bushfire plans.

For more information on how the Department of Water’s rules support bushfire preparedness, visit www.water.wa.gov.au/fireplanning

Emergency Numbers

  • Fire or life threatening emergencies 000
  • SES Emergency Assistance 132 500
  • Emergency Information 13 DFES (13 13 37)

Bushfire Warning Systems

If you live in a bushfire risk area, you need to understand the Bushfire Warning System and what each alert level means before a fire threatens your home. The alerts give information on how severe a bushfire is once it’s started. Alerts have four warning levels indicating the increasing risk to your life or property, and the decreasing amount of time you have until the fire arrives.


A fire has started but there is no immediate threat to lives or homes. Be aware and keep up to date.



There is a possible threat to lives or homes. You need to leave or get ready to defend - do not wait and see.



You are in danger and need to take immediate action to survive. There is a threat to lives or homes.


all clear

Take care to avoid any dangers and keep up to date.

When a bushfire threatens, you can monitor official warnings at

Remember: Your surroundings could be your best information source. Stay alert to what is happening around you. If you believe you may be in danger, act immediately to stay safe.

For further bushfire information please visit dfes.wa.gov.au

Please follow the links for information on:

Not sure which Zone you are in? See the Zone Map

Bush Fire Brigade Area Boundaries

Contact your local Bush Fire Brigade (non emergency calls only)

Fire Permit Issuing Officers

A Guide to Constructing and Maintaining Firebreaks

2024/2025 Fire Hazard Reduction Notice

Fire Hazard Reduction Notice - Definition Guidance Notice

​Application for Variation to Firebreak

Firebreak Contractors for firebreak installation and maintenance

Sign up to receive regular Bushfire and Harvest Ban SMS updates

Burning Restrictions