Online Form - EVRC - Volunteer Registration Form

Have you volunteered before?*
Would you like to receive emails regarding future volunteer opportunities?*
Do you have any of the following?*

Can you do heavy lifting? (>10kg)*
Do you identify as having a disability?*
Will you be volunteering with a carer / support worker?*
Available for:*
Do you identify as Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Both or Neither?*

Are you from a non-english speaking background?*
Current work status?*

Are you volunteering as part of a Centrelink obligation?*

What type of activities would you like to do in your volunteer work?*

What causes would you like to support?*

You may be contacted in the coming months to seek your opinion of the standard of service you have received from us and to follow up on your progress into volunteering. I authorise the Esperance Volunteer Resource Centre to release my information to member organisations in order to obtain a volunteer position, and give consent to my details being entered into database/s to be used for statistics and volunteering related purposes.*

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