Esperance Indoor Stadium
Esperance Greater Sports Ground Redevelopment - Stage 1
This Project Stage is for the construction of a new indoor sports stadium in Esperance to meet national and State competition standards and provide expanded and improved facilities for sporting activities, sports administration, temporary camping overflow and regional events.
Stage 1 comprised of:
- Three or four indoor courts suitable for state level competition;
- Kiosk and kitchen facilities;
- Match day facilities;
- Change-rooms (that cater for the future four courts and additional overflow camping);
- Storage space for user's equipment; and
- New car parking spaces.
Concept plans for the redevelopment were completed in 2015 and detailed construction drawings were finalised. These allowed accurate cost schedules to be developed - an essential inclusion for any grant application. The detailed design were prepared by a local company, Wells Building Designers & Consultants.
The construction tender was awarded to local contractor Sime Building Company for a four court stadium. The project is fully funded with assistance from the State Government with $4.06 million from the Goldfields Esperance Revitalisation Fund under the Royalties for Regions program, $723,000 from the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries’ Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF), and $3.58 million from Council. The selection of the forth court meant Council increased their contribution by $533,825.
The New Esperance Indoor Stadium is now open and being enjoyed by the community.