Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2025

The Western Australian Disability Services Act (1993) requires all local governments to develop a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP). The purpose of the DAIP is to provide strategic direction and framework for the Shire to plan and implement improvements to access and inclusion across seven outcome areas. The Shire’s DAIP has been prepared in accordance with these requirements and reflects our intention to partner with the community to achieve the improvements captured in the Plan.

The Shire will continue to explore and investigate opportunities to remove or reduce barriers to participation in a wide range of activities and functions, with the intention of making a difference in the quality of life for people with a disability who live, work and spend time in our community.

We encourage you to read the Shire of Esperance Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2025.

A hard copy can be requested by emailing shire@esperance.wa.gov.au and collected from the Administration Building on Windich Street.

Please do not hesitate to contact us on (08) 9071 0666 with any questions or queries.

Expressions of Interest - Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Reference Group (DAIP).

The Shire of Esperance is asking members of the community to nominate for the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Reference Group.  The long-term goal of the DAIP is to provide equity of access and inclusion to all services, facilities, functions and information being provided by the Shire of Esperance by identifying and combating any barriers which restrict or prevent the full participation of people with a disability.  As such it applies to the actions and operations of the Shire.

If you are interested to be a part of the Group, please contact the Shire of Esperance on shire@esperance.wa.gov.au by 20 October 2020 explaining why you would like to be a part of the reference group and what specific insights or skills you can bring to the group.

The group will be comprised of the following Shire and community representatives:

  • At least one (1) Councillor
  • At least one (1) staff member from each of the Shire Directorates
  • Up to three (3) Community members
  • Up to three (3) Community Organisation members

The Reference Group will meet on a quarterly basis. As part of each meeting, the group will assist to develop and then review the progress of an annual implementation plan drawn up from the strategies within the DAIP.

Roles and Responsibilities

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020