Time Capsule Contents Catalogue

After the huge success of the opening of the Esperance Meat Exporters Time Capsule on 2 November, the volunteers at the Esperance Museum have carefully reviewed and detailed each packet into a catalogue for the community to read through.

Museum staff and volunteers will now begin the long process of digitising the contents of each packet, so we will have an electronic record of the contents for future use.

As you will see, there were many formal submissions to the Time Capsule, from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Shires of Esperance and Ravensthorpe, among others. There were also some very touching and personal submissions, from what school children thought life in the year 2023 would be like, to a letter from a mother to her sons. If you find something of yours or your family's and would like to claim it once digitisation is complete, contact the Esperance Museum.

Keep your eyes peeled for more information to come on the contents of the Time Capsule!