Commercial Strategy

The primary aims of the Commercial Strategy are to:

  • Identify the amount of additional shopping floorspace required to service anticipated population growth for a selection of the more probable population growth scenarios and indicate where this expansion will be most beneficial to the community
  • Establish a clear hierarchical structure to guide sizing and location of major commercial activity centres and identify requisites for growth of major activity centres to cater for existing populations and future population growth
  • Identify and promote development of centres and nodes that provide a wide mix of activities, services and other uses that are complimentary to their retail function and that promote use of the centres by local communities and consolidate complimentary activities within centres
  • Identify strategies to ensure activity centres develop in an integrated fashion
  • Identify infrastructure requirements associated with future commercial activity
  • Identify drivers of change in retailing
  • Examine potential impacts of retailing trends including deregulation of shopping hours, out of centre retailing, increased diversification, convenience shopping and electronic shopping
  • Ensure that retail activities that occur away from the town centre involve an aggregation of uses at appropriate locations and that such development contributes to the net community benefit and does not undermine commercial activity in the central area

For additional information or assistance contact Planning Services on (08) 9071 0676 or call in to the Shire Administration Building on Windich Street.